Living Funeral Ceremonies - Remembering How to Live Today

The Living Funeral Ceremony is held in a group setting and is intensely personal and transformative experience that is intended to spur serious reflection about mortality and life priorities. During the event the participants are faced with their own mortality, led through an exercise that helps to strip away earthly attachments, have an opportunity to write their last words and are led through a death visualization meditation. Please join us for this positive and life affirming experience.

Go to Event Flyer: UPCOMING LIVING FUNERAL EVENT: June 29, 2019

Recommended sliding scale $45-$75


For more information contact or call 208-571-0042

Living Funeral Ceremony Testimonials

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C.K. Bend, Oregon

I was surprised how I felt when she removed the shroud. It was like I had cheated death. Like I had a second chance at life! The gratitude and joy were immense. I went out into the night feeling reborn and the world seemed fresh and new. This feeling lasted for several days. Previously i had been all humbug about Christmas. But I felt like a kid again -- couldn't wait to put up the tree, and got out all the ornaments with wonder and glee. For me, facing death renewed and revitalized my life!

M.K. Bend, Oregon

This was an especially enlightening experience that opened my heart. I felt warm, welcomed, safe and wrapped in peace. This ceremony helped me look inside and ask myself if I am living my life to the fullest. Thank you for this unique opening session to allow inner my growth.

H.K. Bend, Oregon

I did not know what to expect with the Living funeral experience that Cheryl offered but I was curious to find out. For me, it was an exquisite sacred ceremony that made me feel "rebirthed" into myself afterwards. A chance to recalibrate Living This life with a sense of renewal, recommitment of what I value as important: connection to self and others from a place of deep Love,Peace and my unique authenticity. Thank you Cheryl for your gift to guide, with kindness, compassion and Love. My Life journey has been profoundly affected by this experience. HelenLisle King, Physical Therapist and Intuitive Healer. Bend, Oregon

L.M. Bend, Oregon

Going into the ceremony I did not know what to expect and was pleasantly surprised by it. Cheryl created a beautiful and safe container, making me feel well cared for. Thinking about one's own death is incredibly powerful. It certainly made me ponder my life as I am living it right now. Because of that, I feel a greater sense of urgency to live fully everyday. Thank you, Cheryl, for offering this unique and powerful experience!